This was a super fun week of filming, directed by the legendary Stephen Frears (Philomena, Dangerous Liasons).
Having been a real studio cameraman and multi-skilled operator at Teddington Studios for several years (2004-2007) - trained by the brilliant Terry Pearce (Alien, 2001, Flash Gordon) - I jumped at the chance to play a cameraman in this excellent docu-drama, moving peds, focusing and taking accurate close-up shots of Michael Sheen (as Chris Tarrant) and Matthew Macfadyen (Major Charles Ingram). This became a mega hit ITV/AMC TV Series directed by Stephen Frears.
I can be seen throughout the series in studio wide shots and at the end of the third episode in close-up calling the major "A real dodgy one"
2020 / UK / ITV United Kingdom and AMC USA. Production: Wimbledon Film and Television Studios